Andy Wear, Jennifer Hunter and their two boys Kyle and Seth are first-generation farmers here at Fernhill Farm and are passionate about conservation, regenerative agriculture, rural skills and natural fibres. As custodians of this land, it is in their best interest to work in harmony with all native species within the Mendip Hills AONB.

Andy is the full-time nomadic shepherd here, managing 3000 sheep all across the Mendip Hills.

A lifetime developing skills and a passion for blade shearing is evident through the years representing England at international sheep shearing competitions, along with recognition from BISCA in their Long Standing Service Award 2018 for his contributions to the shearing industry. Andy trains, teaches, and promotes multipurpose sheep and their benefits on the land. Welcoming urban faces to our rural landscape helps keep the grey Mendip mist at bay through the long shepherding days.

Please contact Andy on 07712616797 or

Long-time partner to Andy and mum to Kyle and Seth, Jen is behind the events business and is now turning her attention to natural fibres.

Products with Provenance is our holistic message to re-educate, recognise true potential and incorporate every aspect of our natural resources. As a 2014 Nuffield Farming Scholar researching global wool industry trends, the key goal of our fibre business is to reposition wool in society as a primary product rather than by-product from the sheep meat industry. Operating online shops and attending shows selling a wide range of products together with our Wonder Of Wool campaign means we can listen and share the messages from our multipurpose flock.

For fleece, wool products and fibre retreats, please visit our sister site

Please contact Jen on 07903584695 or

Kyle is now 19 and Seth is 17 years old now (2024) - how time flies when rearing young … both are an asset to us here and we welcome their skills to our family pack !