Master Blade Shearer - Andrew Wear
Blades, Sheath and moccasins by Martin Bentham
Join us at Fernhill Farm to watch the sheep being shorn in our lively shearing shed with Blade Shearing lessons available to allow every age and ability to try shearing with blades.
Throughout the day, skilled shearers from around the world will take part in this bi-annual tournament to compete with the best and help raise the profile of the Benefits of Blade Shearing here in the UK.
Buy fleece fresh off the boards in the shearing shed, as well as finished products made from our wool in our new onsite Sheep Shop - beautiful scarves, blankets, yarn, clothing and more in a range of natural and dyed colours.
Throughout the day wool spinning, peg loom weaving and needle felt workshops will be available from the Fernhill Fibre team, and we welcome all those who use natural resources to promote and create rural activities.
Wood Craft workshops and demonstrations take place throughout the day from skilled cravers.
There will be options to join farm walks throughout the day, where you can learn to find food growing wild around this farm landscape, learn about soils, our WET System and see our livestock living on this land.
Free entry to all – it's a perfect family day out and please do get in contact if you wish to get involved
All proceeds are donated as prize money for talented shearers
Camping and some accommodation might be available to pre-book and please visit for details of our sheep shop and workshops
Follow us on social media platforms to find out the latest news - next date 22nd March - Fibre Experience programme details HERE
Blade Shearing Tournament - 23rd 2025 - details HERE